The fearless treasure hunter Tadeo Jones discovers in the neighbour cellar a huge hideout of a sect who is praying to an ancient god. During his investigations he discovers a cruel secret behind the sect, but gets captured … and prepared to be himself a victim for the fake god. Now, just a little dog can help him!
Chile, South America, Atacama Desert, TAO project team of Tokyo University has been constructing the huge infrared telescope on the peak of Mt. Chajantor. The story unfolds as an astronomer working on the project meets a boy named Sherpa. Together they watch the stars, trace the constellations and discover the pure fascination for the stars.
Based on the interviews of the TAO project members, the story lively depicts the enthusiasm of the astronomer for the stars.
Our modern lives, ruled as they are by smartphones and agendas, too often seem like a race against the clock. In Tempo, the race stops to make time for the cycles of nature and the skies. Tempo makes superb use of the dome and an entrancing soundtrack to give audiences a whole new perspective on how we view the heavens, showing us the connection between our concept of time and our position in the Universe. Audiences are invited to put their clocks and watches aside and get back in touch with the bonds between humans and nature.
Once upon a time there was a space probe called Rosetta, which was shot into the night sky. She was embarking on a long, long journey with the aim of unveiling the secrets of our solar system. On board was her constant companion, the lander Philae. The destination of their journey was comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Join Rosetta and her lander Philae on a wonderful journey to the comet Chury. They travelled for more than ten years and experienced lots of exciting things along the way. Little Philae eventually managed to land on the comet and explore it more
closely. Come along on the adventure and find out what secrets Philae and Rosetta were able to unveil.
On the long journey from Earth into space, you’ll hear from Rosetta and Philae what it takes technically and scientifically to explore a comet up close. You’ll also find out what fascinating insights have been gained from comets, these “dirty snowballs” that travel through space. The dome adaption of ESA’s great cartoon about the Rosetta Mission will entertain and educate children and adults alike.
In order to increase his power, a tyrant asks an old wise man of his kingdom to give him the secrets which would enable him to extend his power and domination. Despite his insistence, he can only elicit one answer from the old wise man: “Look at the sky and count the stars.” When he realizes that the old wise man will not give him more clues, the tyrant follows his advice and starts counting the stars in the sky. Step by step, a relationship takes place between them which will change the tyrant’s quest for domination into a quest for knowledge …
Life is a rare form of matter, discover more about its mysteries! The show begins with the origin of the first organic molecules and the DNA. Following the path of the evolution, audiences will learn more about the appearance of first cells, the first bacteria and the first protozoa, defining a variety of biology concepts like prokaryotes, eukaryotes, unicellular and multicellular beings. Following a virus being chased by a white blood cell, you will be taken into a journey inside a cell to meet the all cellular organelles. The audience will also experience the concept of tissues, organs and organic systems in order to grasp the magnificent power of life on Earth.
In a dark night a beautiful woman finds herself alone as walking down the underground shopping mall in Seoul, Korea. A serial killer is loose in there for his next target. Will she be able to survive tonight? This is a live action simulation film which can give you different reality from other animation horrors.
Marvel at the awesome power of nature as The Eruption of Mount St. Helens displays the change evoked by a massive volcanic eruption and the renewal process which follows it. In this Academy Award nominated film, beautiful photography of the mountain prior to May 18th, 1980, is harshly contrasted with the apocalyptic post-eruption scenery created when the entire side of Mount St. Helens was blown away in billowing clouds of ash. Soar over and through the unearthly landscape of mud, ash and steaming craters in a ride that shows just what it is like to have an exploding volcano in your backyard.
The Extreme Nature of Bats is a 3D science film that explores not only the truths but the myths and dark legends that have been associated with bats for hundreds of years. Through the (sometimes frightening) wonders of digital 3D technology, audiences will learn that bats are unique and interesting animals; but, because of fear and misconceptions throughout history, they are also one of the most misunderstood animals in the world. There are close to 1,000 species of bats worldwide and they comprise more than one-fifth of all the mammals in the world. The film examines how bats are unique in the animal kingdom because they are the only mammals to have evolved true flight.
Unique short film takes you in the middle of a giant steel plant in the middle of the night – the place you are very unlikely to visit in your real life.
The film is a tribute to Zoox, the urbex photographer and explorer. A fulldome short-film for planetarium and digital dome theatre.
This is the story of a very special girl. She came to us one spring day after a storm, walking upside down by the rainbow. She has a very special point of view of everything, perhaps due to her special way of walking. The girl who walked upside is committed to the fight against light pollution.
The story of the Settlement of the United States’ western frontier is told using the stories and words (from diaries and letters) of real life people while showing this astonishingly beautiful territory. The film chronicles the major events that contributed to the settlement of the western frontier beginning with the Louisiana purchase and ending when in 1890 the U.S. Census Bureau declared that there was no more frontier; it had been settled.
In the same way astronomers look up at the stars, trees reach up to the sky. They are the giants of plant evolution, reaching towards the light of the Sun.
Trees, forests and all the greenery of Planet Earth work together with the air, water, and sun to maintain all life on our planet. Therefore, the trees in the park or in the rainforest can tell us astounding things about our environment and the planetary cycles which shape them.
Follow us on an impressive journey into the Earth’s climate and the significance of the forest – between night and day, through the seasons and ice-ages.
The Green Planet – 3D is a fulldome show for planetariums and digital dome theatres.
During the night the brewery is the stage for Kurt and Mani, two fearless gentlemen dueling for the title of the champion of the brewery race. On their way to the finish line they encounter many “delicious” dangers and while their styles may vary they are equally determined to show what they are capable of.
Fly across iridescent tropical reefs, brush through a cloud of a million jellyfish, visit an alien world where the closer you look, the more you see.
We think of reefs as exotic, distant places with little connection to our everyday world. Yet there are many kinds of reef, each of them a living city beneath the sea, where plants and animals congregate in mutual benefit. They have a parallel existence to ours, distant yet undoubtedly connected.
Each of them is a hotspot of biodiversity as vital to life on earth as the rainforests. Just as the Amazon has its secrets, so too do the reefs. Reefs have been molding and shaping our shorelines, literally forming islands and mountains, for millions of years. Yet in our lifetime, they have come under threat: human activity is altering the chemistry of the oceans. As the sea becomes more acidic, coral, shell and bone begin to crumble.
Shot on location in Palau, Vancouver Island, French Polynesia, Mexico, and The Bahamas, The Last Reef takes us on a global journey to explore our connection with the ocean’s complex, parallel worlds. New underwater 3D technology takes us into the heart of the reef, revealing a habitat more diverse and more colorful than you ever imagined …
What would it mean to us if one of these vibrant wonderlands were to become the last reef?
The Life of Trees lets the audience experience nature from a different perspective. Two quirky insects, a ladybug called Dolores and a firefly called Mike, explain the complex processes that happen inside a tree in a fun and entertaining way: How do trees grow?
How do they transport water against gravity to the top of the crown? How do green plants make life on earth possible by producing oxygen?
The Life of Trees is a perfect planetarium show for the whole family that raises the awareness of protecting the nature we live in.