This family friendly film was shot on location in Antarctica, the southernmost region on the planet. The story follows a colony of Emperor Penguins as they emerge from the sea and begin their long march sixty miles inland during the cold winter. Presented in stunning 3D, this true-life tale will warm the hearts of audiences as they witness the hardships and sacrifices of these curious creatures in their fascinating triumph over the elements.
Dive! is a stereoscopic 3D digital theater experience for aquariums, science and maritime museums that will inspire children and young adults to follow their sense of adventure and discovery. This 22 minute high-definition 3D film combines computer graphics and live-action to literally take the audience along for the ride as a unique expedition of ‘Citizen Explorers’ voyage in submarines to the bottom of the ocean.
They are everywhere. Flowers by the billions. They drink, move, compete and some even eat bugs. A brilliantly colorful and bright adventure through the science of flowers. You will fly over some of the world’s largest flower fields and see how this amazing life-form covers our fields and gardens while simultaneously cleaning our air and tickling our senses.
Their landscapes and ecosystems are as diverse as the planets which align our solar system. Travel around the world to explore this mysterious, and still vastly uncharted, subterranean world.
Audiences will uncover an abundance of natural, ecological, and archaeological jewels which lay hidden within the world’s deepest, darkest, and most astonishing caves. Embark on the adventure of a lifetime through tight passageways, down deep vertical shafts, and across searing cavern floors. Journey from the watery Caves Branch of Belize to the frozen kingdom of Eisriesenwelt — from the gargantuan Sotano De Las Golondrinas to the indignant fires of the Hawaiian Lava Tubes. From mystical Mayan ruins, to awe-inspiring crystalline chambers, viewers will witness a collection of natural wonders as far as the eye can see – all in a world apart from our own.
With each new day, we engage in rituals that we’ve developed through instinct and years of routine. Because we have repeated the patterns so many times, we can succumb to a dulled awareness of our surroundings. It is easy to become unaware that these daily patterns and routines are repeated on every scale in nature and in the lives of all creatures. All around us there is drama that is constantly unfolding, unseen — paralleling our own rituals, struggles and triumphs. Every organism plays a role and adds a unique contribution. There is a certain uniformity in nature’s complexity and our existence is truly a series of interconnected events.
From the origins of the universe, to the present time in mankind’s exploration of the unknown, and forward into the future of what lies beyond the outer reaches, Space Unraveling the Cosmos brings audiences closer than ever before to the far off planets, galaxies, and terrestrial phenomenon that make up the limitless expanse all around us. Groundbreaking 4K/Ultra High Definition and 3D computer graphics immerse filmgoers within the mysteries of the cosmos in a way never before seen.
The Extreme Nature of Bats is a 3D science film that explores not only the truths but the myths and dark legends that have been associated with bats for hundreds of years. Through the (sometimes frightening) wonders of digital 3D technology, audiences will learn that bats are unique and interesting animals; but, because of fear and misconceptions throughout history, they are also one of the most misunderstood animals in the world. There are close to 1,000 species of bats worldwide and they comprise more than one-fifth of all the mammals in the world. The film examines how bats are unique in the animal kingdom because they are the only mammals to have evolved true flight.
Unlike other surfing documentaries, The Physics of Surfing is a 24-minute educational film that uncovers the physical science of ocean waves and the art of surfing. In this captivating presentation, the filmmakers explore how energy moves through water, building and combining its force, traveling thousands of miles over the course of weeks until the ocean floor underneath disrupts the wave’s formation and causes it to pitch up and collapse. The film also investigates the science behind various surfing styles and how surfers instinctively address such notions of gravity and buoyancy while using the energy of motion to ride waves.
Turtle Reef 3D is a new emotionally inspiring story that explores the intimacies of the relationships between creatures on a coral reef in Hawaii during a 24-hour period. Explore the dynamic relationships and lifelong partnerships formed on coral reefs featuring the Hawaiian Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas). Endangered by overfishing, these turtles were brought to the brink of extinction before legislation in 1978 protected them. Today, the Hawaiian population is recovering, but in many other places elsewhere in the world, turtles face a grim future. Discover how closely the rhythm of their lives, their struggles, and their partnerships parallel our own. Turtle Reef is a new film from the award-winning team that produced the giant-screen Ocean Oasis.
In 1990, deep in the badlands of South Dakota, paleontologists unearthed the bones of a monster. Forty feet long and weighing several tons, the fossil skeleton was assembled and rebuilt into the largest, most complete T. rex ever discovered. Named Sue, this majestic icon of the dinosaurs has captured the imaginations of millions of museum visitors over the years. But her full story has yet to be told … until now.
Waking the T. rex: The Story of SUE traces the life of one of the most feared predators of the Cretaceous. Join scientists as they decipher fossil clues to piece together the lifelong struggles, from nest to death, of this famous tyrannosaurus. Witness her life events unfold, including an epic battle with a Triceratops, in a world where the only rule is eat or be eaten.
Waking the T. rex: The Story of SUE is a high-drama science adventure you won’t soon forget. After 67 million years, Sue is about to awaken — in roaring, bone-crunching, in your face, 3-D!