Tiny Giants
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Come on an extraordinary adventure into magical worlds beneath our feet that most of us never see – one where life is lived at an extraordinary intensive pace, where everything we know seems turned on its head.  Experience the hidden kingdoms of the Enchanted Forest and the unforgiving desert of the Wild West.

From BBC Earth, this is the story of a day in the life of two little heroes: a scorpion mouse and a chipmunk.  For each of them this will be a day they never forget.  It’s a story of drama, danger and courage, of insight and revelation, a journey to discover and understand a new and fascinating natural history.

Using the incredibly immersive power of specialist 3D cameras, audiences will be transported in a very intimate way into another world.  Visual effects will enhance the audience’s perception of scale as multi-layered backgrounds exaggerate the sense of miniaturization.  Viewers will never see our planet the same way again.

Theme Planet

Something’s going on inside the giant theme park world … The huge structure where Pig and his friend Elephant are living in is full of adventures.  On the travel to the planets core they discover a lot of freaky creatures and strange places — to finally meet the “Mad Constructor” and his humble assistant Igor, revealing his ambitioned (and quite bizarre) universe domination plans.

The Witch

The witch wants to use magic to create her prince.  But it is never as easy as it looks like.  On her way to create the perfect man, she has an exciting journey to survive and the final creation is not what she’d expected.

The Reef

An enchanting underwater adventure: Guppy Fish Pi is peacefully living with his friends in an exotic coral reef.  When Troy, a vicious shark sets out to destroy the reef, all animals need to work together to protect their beautiful environment.  The Reef is a funny 3D/4D attraction film for theme parks and aquariums, aimed at children and families.

The Physics of Surfing

Unlike other surfing documentaries, The Physics of Surfing is a 24-minute educational film that uncovers the physical science of ocean waves and the art of surfing.  In this captivating presentation, the filmmakers explore how energy moves through water, building and combining its force, traveling thousands of miles over the course of weeks until the ocean floor underneath disrupts the wave’s formation and causes it to pitch up and collapse.  The film also investigates the science behind various surfing styles and how surfers instinctively address such notions of gravity and buoyancy while using the energy of motion to ride waves.

The Light Before Christmas

After losing their way on a cold, blustery Christmas eve, two children, Katie and Makean are rescued by their friend, The Candleman, an old sage who imparts wisdom, hot chocolate and stories.

The Life of Trees
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The Life of Trees lets the audience experience nature from a different perspective.  Two quirky insects, a ladybug called Dolores and a firefly called Mike, explain the complex processes that happen inside a tree in a fun and entertaining way: How do trees grow?

How do they transport water against gravity to the top of the crown?  How do green plants make life on earth possible by producing oxygen?

The Life of Trees is a perfect planetarium show for the whole family that raises the awareness of protecting the nature we live in.

The Last Reef
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Fly across iridescent tropical reefs, brush through a cloud of a million jellyfish, visit an alien world where the closer you look, the more you see.

We think of reefs as exotic, distant places with little connection to our everyday world.  Yet there are many kinds of reef, each of them a living city beneath the sea, where plants and animals congregate in mutual benefit.  They have a parallel existence to ours, distant yet undoubtedly connected.

Each of them is a hotspot of biodiversity as vital to life on earth as the rainforests.  Just as the Amazon has its secrets, so too do the reefs.  Reefs have been molding and shaping our shorelines, literally forming islands and mountains, for millions of years.  Yet in our lifetime, they have come under threat: human activity is altering the chemistry of the oceans.  As the sea becomes more acidic, coral, shell and bone begin to crumble.

Shot on location in Palau, Vancouver Island, French Polynesia, Mexico, and The Bahamas, The Last Reef takes us on a global journey to explore our connection with the ocean’s complex, parallel worlds.  New underwater 3D technology takes us into the heart of the reef, revealing a habitat more diverse and more colorful than you ever imagined …

What would it mean to us if one of these vibrant wonderlands were to become the last reef?

The Kettle Race

During the night the brewery is the stage for Kurt and Mani, two fearless gentlemen dueling for the title of the champion of the brewery race.  On their way to the finish line they encounter many “delicious” dangers and while their styles may vary they are equally determined to show what they are capable of.

The Extreme Nature of Bats

The Extreme Nature of Bats is a 3D science film that explores not only the truths but the myths and dark legends that have been associated with bats for hundreds of years. Through the (sometimes frightening) wonders of digital 3D technology, audiences will learn that bats are unique and interesting animals; but, because of fear and misconceptions throughout history, they are also one of the most misunderstood animals in the world. There are close to 1,000 species of bats worldwide and they comprise more than one-fifth of all the mammals in the world. The film examines how bats are unique in the animal kingdom because they are the only mammals to have evolved true flight.

The Butcher
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In a dark night a beautiful woman finds herself alone as walking down the underground shopping mall in Seoul, Korea.  A serial killer is loose in there for his next target.  Will she be able to survive tonight?  This is a live action simulation film which can give you different reality from other animation horrors.

The Blind Man with Starry Eyes

In order to increase his power, a tyrant asks an old wise man of his kingdom to give him the secrets which would enable him to extend his power and domination.  Despite his insistence, he can only elicit one answer from the old wise man: “Look at the sky and count the stars.”  When he realizes that the old wise man will not give him more clues, the tyrant follows his advice and starts counting the stars in the sky.  Step by step, a relationship takes place between them which will change the tyrant’s quest for domination into a quest for knowledge …

The Bachelor King
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Stunning 3D cinematography takes us into an extraordinary, sub-Antarctic island, home to majestic albatrosses, brawling fur seals and six million penguins. It’s a world away from human existence; but yet our hero’s struggle is familiar to us all, young and old alike.

After three years out on the open ocean, our bachelor returns to the place where he was born and raised: Penguin City.  On this densely-packed island, he looks to establish himself and find a mate. What follows is the most challenging time of his life.  He must grow up fast to survive and raise chicks of his own.

Once he meets the penguin of his dreams, the two of them embark upon raising a family.  Having witnessed his chick hatch, the parents work together to feed it, teach it, keep it warm against the harsh sub-Antarctic weather and protect it through its first danger-filled year.  But with predators in the sky, the land, and the water, tragedy could lie around every corner.  In the face of all these challenges, our king must persevere.

The Bachelor King‘s story is often comic, sometimes tragic, and ultimately triumphant; a rite of passage set within one of the earth’s last great wildernesses.

Tadeo Jones 2: Basement of Doom

The fearless treasure hunter Tadeo Jones discovers in the neighbour cellar a huge hideout of a sect who is praying to an ancient god.  During his investigations he discovers a cruel secret behind the sect, but gets captured … and prepared to be himself a victim for the fake god.  Now, just a little dog can help him!

Tadeo Jones

Tadeo is a fearless adventurer who decides to face a challenge, a great challenge.  A risky situation that is going to get extremely difficult to be solved.  He’s going to enter a very complex pyramid where he’s going to find curious and dangerous surprises.


Switch is set in a futuristic dystopia, gang member “O” steals a valuable piece of equipment; the use of which could have devastating consequences.  This sci-fi world comes alive in a surreal blend of colors, shapes and locations which pop in 3D.  Follow a series of characters as all are involved in the chase and capture of this mysterious and coveted device.

Sweet Roller Coaster
Sunday Jog

Sunday Jog is a short animated film about two joggers who set out for a stroll on a beautiful Sunday morning.  They are alarmed by what appears to be an earthquake — which quickly reveals itself to be much more.  Embarking on an epic battle for survival, these joggers turn from the chased to the chasers in this animated comedic thriller.

Storm Riders

Amid a terrible heat wave, three siblings take a ride to the lake for a refreshing swim only to find that the lake is completely dry.  Little do they know that the initial disappointment will soon turn into the biggest adventure of their lives when they make an incredible discovery at the bottom of the dried lake.  A discovery that will take them all the way to outer space and back and which will put their flaws and strengths to the test.

Squirrel Adventure