Travel through space and time in a fulldome production that makes you look at Earth in a whole new way.
A sweeping geological journey, Earthquake: Evidence of a Restless Planet explores the forces that transform the surface of our planet.
Fly along the San Andreas Fault before diving into the planet’s interior. Journey back in time to witness the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, and the break-up of Pangaea 200 million years ago. Visit the sites of historical earthquakes from the Mediterranean Sea to the Pacific Ocean.
Learn how scientists and engineers collaborate to help society prepare for a safer environment — and a safer future.
Data-driven visualizations illustrate Earth’s story, revealing how subtle motions and sudden ruptures have shaped our planet over eons — and how geological activity influences the course of human history.
Earthquake: Evidence of a Restless Planet was written by Ryan Wyatt and produced by the visualization studio of the California Academy of Sciences.
ExoPlanets: Worlds Of Wonder follows mankind’s first space probe as it journeys outside our solar system to the many new worlds astronomers are discovering beyond. Audiences will visit gas giants caught in a deadly dance with their host stars, frozen rogue planets hurling through space, molten rocky worlds now known to science, and new planets drifting comfortably within the Goldilocks Zone.
ExoPlanets: Worlds Of Wonder covers the National Earth and Space Science Standards for grades K-9, not only educating about other worlds, but also teaching audiences about how special Earth and our solar system truly are. It combines the best of hand-crafted animation with state-of-the-art visual effects to educate audiences in a fascinating way.
Dr. Geoffrey Marcy, world-leading astronomer in Extra Solar Planet Discoveries, described the screenplay as, “Absolutely glorious. It artfully captures the science, the beauty, and the wonder of the new worlds we are discovering.”
Taken into an incredible journey aboard a nanotechnologiacal vessel, the spectator finds himself into a human lung and there he can watch the fight of the white globules against a starting tumor. Then, from the vessel a tiny module goes loose, carrying a reporter commenting “live” from the heart, the duplication of a cell the duplication of the DNA and the birth of 2 cells. After lively adventures the module rushes back among the globule.
Learn the secrets of the “rainforests of the sea” as you embark on an oceanic safari of the world’s most vibrant—and endangered—marine ecosystems.
Narrated by Tony Award® winner Lea Salonga, the all-digital Expedition Reef takes full advantage of the Morrison Planetarium’s fulldome screen to immerse you in the undersea adventure. Along the way, discover how corals grow, feed, reproduce, and support over 25% of all marine life on Earth while facing unprecedented threats from climate change, habitat destruction, and overfishing.
“This is a difficult story [and] a turning point for reefs,” says Academy scientist and reef expert Dr. Rebecca Albright, “but it’s not too late.”
Have you ever wondered how a spacecraft can navigate accurately to a space station traveling at 20 times the speed of sound?
Explore presents a broad selection of science topics in a modern and accessible way in a story that revolves around the ambition to colonize Mars — a topic at the forefront of current trends in space adventure films for the giant screen. The film does not just explain scientific facts, such as the geo- vs helio-centric model or retrograde motion of planets. By closely examining the example of Johannes Kepler and his three laws of planetary motions, Explore also shows how the achievements of individuals can change the world, and how much we all benefit from them.
High quality visuals, custom composed music, and professional narration all serve a single purpose: to enhance the audience’s immersive experience.
Extreme combines incredible extreme sport action with narration by the athletes and an eclectic, contemporary soundtrack. Extreme features 6 nature based sports; Big Wave Surfing, Ice Climbing, Skiing, Snowboarding, Windsurfing, and Rock Climbing. The best extreme sport athletes in the world facing the most intimidating elements of nature provide a unique glimpse into the relationship between nature and humanity.
The impulse to strike out into the unknown, to see what’s over the horizon is as old as humanity. Today, a whole new horizon beckons. Scientists now believe that our galaxy is filled with solar systems, including up to 9 billion Sun-like stars with planets similar to Earth.
Astronomers are racing to find habitable worlds, including any that might exist in the neighborhood of our Sun. But if we find one, how will we ever get there? How long will it take? What rocket designs might one day conquer the voids of space?
Faster Than Light! The Dream of Interstellar Flight will dazzle audiences with virtual rides aboard spacecraft of the future. They are based on whole new technologies designed to achieve ultra-high speeds, using exotic next generation rocket fuels and breakthrough concepts in physics. How far can our technology take us?
Fermentation is the theme of this work of dome art, produced with the help of choreographers and contemporary dancers. The phenomenon of fermentation is one in which tiny microorganisms, invisible to the naked eye, enable life to flower its hidden potential after death. This work abstracts this invisible phenomenon through dance, and expresses the creativity and energy that lies beyond death. If the living body of a dancer represents ‘life,’ the body of the dancer seen on film embodies ‘death.’ The body of the dancer, appearing amid the darkness of the dome, evokes not only death but also what lies beyond: the birth of a new life.
John Stratton is a young American fighter pilot who flies the F-15 Eagle, arguably the most potent and successful fighter plane ever built. His grandfather was a decorated World War II flying ace, and he intended to follow in his footsteps.
At Red Flag, the international training exercise for air forces of allied countries, many of the world’s best pilots meet for the most challenging flying of their careers. Red Flag is the final training for pilots and their aircrews before being sent into actual combat. We follow our young pilot as he makes his way through this extraordinary event held in the desert of Nevada. He is amazed at how complex, challenging and dangerous the exercises are.
He begins to notice team members who were not a part of his childhood vision of heroism, the support team crucial to a successful mission, and to a safe return home. In the aerial combat exercises, there are other pilots who aren’t out just to prove themselves, they are helping him — watching his back. And he is doing the same for them. He begins to realize that being a hero is not quite as simple as he once might have thought.
In February 2013 an one man made the incredible – a space jump. He jumped from an altitude more then 120,000 feet, broke the speed of sound in freefall, and set several world records. Millions people all over the world watched his jump online.
After landing he said, “In my mind, I did that jump many times. I was ready to go.”
Do you want to feel what it is to jump from the edge of space?
Flight of Fancy will put you in this man’s place, you will see our planet from space with his eyes, get over the fear of a “death spin,” and experience amazing virtual G-forces!
The show combines the newest fulldome technology and excellent computer graphics. The 3D effect all around you will make you the hero of the show.
Flight of Fancy is not just a space jump; it is an extreme adventure within the human imagination. Many worlds that we create in our mind are passing by, one after another, with the speed of thought.
Take your own flight of fancy!
For planetariums and digital dome theatres.
They are everywhere. Flowers by the billions. They drink, move, compete and some even eat bugs. A brilliantly colorful and bright adventure through the science of flowers. You will fly over some of the world’s largest flower fields and see how this amazing life-form covers our fields and gardens while simultaneously cleaning our air and tickling our senses.
Develop a renewed appreciation for our fragile planet through the lens of astronomy as Sigourney Weaver guides audiences on an immersive excursion that explores a universe filled with the possibility of life.
Fragile Planet starts with an astronaut’s view highlighting Earth’s unique regions. The journey then continues to the Moon, Mars, and beyond the Milky Way to search for habitats that might host extraterrestrial life. The show’s theme — that Earth is the only known haven for life, and thus is important to protect — echoes the themes of biodiversity and sustainability.
The foundation of the show lies in scientific visualization, utilizing observed data as the starting point for the imagery. More than three dozen researchers and institutions provided data in support of Fragile Planet; their contributions range from high resolution satellite imagery of Earth to the positions of galaxies more than 50 million light years away.
From the three-dimensional terrain of Valles Marineris on Mars to the locations of extrasolar planetary systems in interstellar space, everything audiences see in Fragile Planet is based on astronomers’ best understanding of the universe. Scenes requiring extrapolation from known observations were developed with the assistance of researchers with expertise in the relevant topics.
Fragile Planet was written and produced by the visualization studio of the California Academy of Sciences. For two sequences in the show, they collaborated with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The spectacular visuals are augmented by an evocative, multi-dimensional sound environment by renowned giant-screen composer Michael Stearns.
Experience the challenges of the next generation of space exploration in this brand-new Planetarium show. By using exciting real-life projects like NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and the New Horizons mission to Pluto, the show highlights the extreme nature of spacecraft engineering and the life cycle of a space mission — from design and construction to the rigors of testing, launch, and operations. Blast off and take the voyage with us!
Eugene Milkman, nicknamed Milky, is an old robot – a small but strong man – who has been delivering milk for over 800 years on behalf of the company Galaktos. Starting his new tour, he takes Craig McIntosh, a young internship who almost quit going to school, and they both take off for a journey through the Milky Way. Milky evokes the memories of his career while Craig learn more about magnificent cosmic landscapes. From stars to nebulas, this fantastic trip will drive them up to the dreadful black hole hidden at the center of our Galaxy!
Space criminal Gurfin Bruce has created the planet which terrorized the peaceful neigbours. The Galaxy is at risk! The assault force of Galaxy Federation takes off to arrest the black heart. The brave force holds the front against the whole planet of robots. But the valiants assert the superiority of the human over the machinery and return in triumph.
“In the beginning, God, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was empty and without order between darkness on the face of the abyss … and the spirit of God that remained above the waters said: Let there be light; And there was light. And in that way, he separated the light from the darkness … In the light, he called it day, and the darkness he called night … “
This phrase that is extracted from the old testament of the Bible, belong that which relates the creation of the universe in the so-called first book Genesis – from the Christian Bible – serves as a conceptual basis for a free recreation of the structure of the universe, man and earth: It is an open and personal interpretation – free of religious or scientific character – to explore abstract concepts of the beginning of life and the universe.
Genesis is a real-time fulldome show for planetariums and digital dome theatres.
Music by Pina.